Local, State and National Military Highlights

The North Carolina Defense Industry Diversification Initiative (NC DIDI) on last week announced the launch of the initiatives mapping survey for the state’s defense supply chain. This initiative is being managed through a partnership of the North Carolina Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and NC State’s Industry Expansion Solutions.

With 75% of business professionals reporting a lack of visibility into their supply chains, NC DIDI has coordinated the development of a comprehensive survey of North Carolina defense contractors. The purpose of this survey is to gather insights that will help us to better understand the unique challenges facing our defense companies as well as how we can identify new opportunities for them to grow, diversify, and enter new markets.

NC DIDI hopes to identify potential new markets for at-risk firms and identify local gaps in the supply chain.  This work will help point state, local and regional policy makers identify which existing assets can be aligned to respond to supply chain issues.

If you are currently or have been a prime or subcontractor through DOD funding within the past five years and have not responded, we encourage you to do so.  We also encourage you to share with your respective networks.  The survey is online at the following link for those in-state, NC Defense Contractor Survey and a survey for Out-Of-State NC Defense Contractors.  It must be completed by October 6th, 2017.

You are also invited to go to NC DIDI’s website, http://www.NCDIDI.com to take the survey and learn more about our NC DIDI’s events and Pilot Project. Make sure your company is counted.  It is time for your company to move from reliance to renewed resilience.

Thank you in advance for your input.

Secretary Larry Hall                                                Director Phil Mintz

NC Department of Military                                    NC State University

Veterans Affairs                                                       Industry Expansion Solutions

NC DIDI Co-Chair                                                   NC DIDI Co-Chair

Nimasheena N. Burns

Director Communications and Project Management

NC Department of Military and Veterans Affairs




